About Me

First of all, may I apologise to those people who are viewing this site using a browser running at a resolution of less than 1024×768 with less Born-geekthan 256 colours. Let’s face it, if you are, you seriously need to upgrade your hardware!

Until now I had always catered for this, but as there are fewer and fewer people running this sort of specification I have decided to make things look nicer instead.

Despite the pressures of work and family I have finally managed to get this website looking how I like it. I am still learning the finer points of Web Development and I try to incorporate new ideas as I learn about them.

I enjoy most types of music, in particular music from the seventies. In addition, I am interested in most types of motorsport and anything to do with computers. If anyone out there has similar interests please drop me a line and maybe we can exchange views, ideas, opinions, spelling mistakes etc.

I have also dabbled in C++, albeit in a very amateur way, as I find it very relaxing. Any “professional” programmers should ignore this as any of my code would probably make them weep. I have however managed to write a small program for converting areas which has been adopted by my employer, so I suppose I must have some idea of what I am doing. This application is now available from the Software Page of this site.

Watch this space as I have also started messing about with developing for Android!!

I have become quite fond of UNIX over time and I am starting to realise just what it is capable of. As a result, I have also been dabbling with Linux. This has proved to be a good way of getting to understand the principles of UNIX without harming any of our main servers. If you have any old hardware sitting around there is a Linux distribution called Damn Small Linux that has great hardware recognition and very low requirements. It is easy to install and easy to use.

Bearing the above in mind, there is no surprise that I have been experimenting with writing applications for Android as well. More on this in the future!

If you wish you had never seen this page and are never likely to visit it again you can leave with the same anonymity with which you arrived.

If you have been even slightly interested in the content of this page or any of its links, or if you would like to suggest any other locations that I may find of interest please drop me an E-Mail.

Thank you for your time and interest, Dave Wynne.