Here we are again. The UK is now in its second Covid-19 lockdown. The death rate is climbing and there are still groups of people who complain about having to wear a mask. I would sooner wear one and live than not do either!
We now have to wait and find out if we will be locked down for Christmas or if we will be able to see our friends and family. Whatever happens, it is our own interest to follow the guidance. 
There does seem to be some hope now as a successful vaccine is looking more and more likely. Latest news is that a vaccination could be started before the end of the year. This would be a huge undertaking and it would take several months to get the majority of the population vaccinated.

It has not been all bad though. Our first grandchild, a bouncing baby boy, was born in November this year. At least that means there will be something good to remember this year for.

By Dave

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